
Effective Wednesday, November 1, DART Paratransit's Bus Plus program is now offering a new Premium Service Zone, which extends the Bus Plus coverage area…



DART buses will be required to detour due to Sewer Installation. Effective: 5PM Monday, October 16, 2023 Through 5AM Tuesday, October 17, 2023.…



DART buses will be required to detour due to Sewer work on 34th. Effective: Immediately through November 2023.



DART buses will be required to detour due to ramp and bridge work.  Effective:  8PM Sunday, September 24, 2023 Through Friday, October 13, 2023.



DART bus will be required to detour due to 8th Street reconstruction. Effective: 3AM Monday September 25, 2023 until roadway opens.

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