Frigid air will return this weekend, prompting Polk County Emergency Management to activate its Extreme Temperature Plan. DART will offer free rides to designated warming shelters until temperatures improve.
Reimagine DART is a collaborative effort to transform public transit in Greater Des Moines. This initiative will chart a fresh course for how DART can strengthen and connect communities within a growing region.
The Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Policy Committee awarded DART $3.6 million from its Carbon Reduction Program last week. These one-time funds will go to DART…
11, and 72 Eastbound: Elm (E), Left (N) on 6th, Right (E) on Walnut,
Route 72 Left on 4th back to route.
Route 11 Right on 4th, Left (E) on Elm back to route.
Outbound Route 7 Army Post: Enter mall by BANKERS TRUST, Left (E) on Mall Road between Hy Vee and Target, Left (N) exit mall by Hy Vee Gas, back on route.
Route 7 County…